Dog Training Guide: A Beginner’s Guide To Train Your Dog.

Dogs are the most devoted animals on the planet. They adore their owners unreservedly just because they are their owners and nothing else. Learn how to train your dog with basic commands and Know what to avoid when training them.

Dogs have been employed to assist humans in hunting, herding, and protection for over 12,000 years. Dogs are now utilised as guides for the blind and other impaired people who are unable to move independently. And it’s all thanks to one factor: intelligence.

Although training your dog can be a difficult task, it is essential for keeping your companion happy and secure. Learn how to train your dog using several methods to ensure proper conduct and obedience, as well as how to find a suitable trainer for your dog is very important. Below are simple training guide for beginners like you.

Teach your dog these fundamental obedience commands.

Teach your dog on how to sit.

Because it is the most natural idea for most puppies, most trained dogs learned to Sit initially. It’s also one of the simplest for them to learn, so even pets who have never been trained can pick it up in a few sessions. Because it’s also a transition command, you can go on to other directives once a dog can sit.

Teach your dog to stay put.

A dog who knows how to remain will not run into the street if he gets loose, making it one of the most critical skills for any dog to master, and he will not become too hyper to focus if he is weary or hungry. Be patient as well, most pups take at least a couple of days to learn Stay, and mastering it can take weeks. Keep a bag of rewards or kibble accessible and keep training until he’s a pro since it protects your dog from danger.

Teach your dog how to “Shake-hands”

One of the nicer tricks your dog can learn is the “Shake Hands” routine. It’s a simple method that’s also one of the quickest to teach to most dogs.

Your pup will be compelled to paw at your hand if you provide a closed handful of treats because they can’t grab the sweets with their mouth. So this is an easy way for you to teach him how to shake hands by saying the command “shake”. And in no time you will find out after several repetitions, your dog will have learned a new trick.

Teach your dog how to “Lie Down”

Teaching your dog to “lie down” is another crucial command for him to learn. When their owners order them to lie down, all dogs should be able to do so. When you need your dog to relax in a stressful circumstance or stay in a stay position for an extended period of time, the “lie down” command can come in handy. It’s also the first stage in a number of dog tricks, like as the well-known rollover. Fortunately, teaching your dog to “down” is almost as straightforward as teaching him to “sit.” It’s also a terrific way to get into more advanced moves like rolling over or playing dead. According to RSPCA UK this is achievable once your dog has already mastered ‘sit’.

Teach your dog to respond to the “No” command

Other trainers teach No and Leave It for somewhat different scenarios, such as when a pup shouldn’t be doing something and when you don’t want your dog to investigate an item or scenario. To keep things simple, trainers adheres to No, period. Because explaining the distinction to people and animals might be confusing, thus No is a fantastic all-purpose command for whatever you don’t want your dog to do.

Teach your dog the command “COME”

When training your dog, keep in mind that they are not born with the basic command “come.” They must be instructed. This is especially true whether you are adopting a new puppy or rescuing an adult dog with behavioural issues. If you intend to walk your dog without a leash, he must learn to come when called. It can keep him safe at the dog park if a fight breaks out, move him away from the street if he pulls on the leash, or guarantee he stays close when trekking or playing in the backyard.

Teach your dog to “heel”

Dogs of all breeds should learn to heel or walk gently at your side, especially if you walk your dog in congested urban settings with little sidewalk space. This ability is especially useful for large or strong dogs who naturally tug on the leash. When your pup can heel, walks will be easier and more enjoyable.

Teach your dog to respond to the “off” command

One of the most common dog difficulties is jumping on visitors or furniture, so don’t worry if your pup can’t keep four paws on the floor. When he jumps up, turn your back on him, grab his paws, and shake a plastic bottle full with pennies while saying “Off”. All of these items deter jumping, so experiment with a few to find which one works best for your four legged friend.


If you follow this easy guide, you’ll have a well-behaved dog in no time. In order to get the most out of your training, we recommend using these products such as the ones we have reviewed.

In addition to these products, there are many great dog training videos on YouTube such as RSPCA that can be just as helpful. These videos offer a visual demonstration of the methods you should use in order to train your dog properly. We hope this guide has been helpful!

If you want to read more of our blog about our four legged friend, please hit the below titles.

5 Amazing Fun Facts about Dogs you should know

Labradors: Know the Benefits and Downsides of Owning This Dog

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