Dachshund Dog: Price, Grooming, Personality, and Health

A dachshund is a type of hound dog with short legs and a long body. The miniature was bred to hunt rabbits, while the normal size was created to scent, chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling creatures. Dachshunds are now a common pet all around the world. We’ll give you the crucial facts about the dachshund breed in this article so you can decide if this dog is right for you.

Dachshund Dog Sitting on the Pink Couch - Petchess.com | Photo by Sharon Snider via Pexels.com
Dachshund Dog – Photo by: Sharon Snider
  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Dachshund dog?
  3. Their characteristics and personality
  4. Grooming Needs: Do they shed a lot?
  5. What is the size of the Dachshund dog?
  6. What do they look like?
  7. How to take care of a Dachshund dog?
  8. Health concerns for this breed
  9. Training A Dachshund dog
  10. Dachshund dog Price
  11. Where Can I Find a Dachshund dog Breeder?
  12. Conclusion

What is a Dachshund dog?

The name “Dachshund” is derived from “Dachs”, which means badger. This breed is mainly used to hunt badgers and other burrowing animals. Another name for this dog is “Dachshund” in German. 

The dachshund is also known as the “Wiener dog,” which refers to the city of Vienna, Austria, where it was popularly born. The Dachshund breed is very active and energetic. Although this breed is generally calm, they can bark occasionally. This breed is suitable for living in apartments. Although the dachshund is generally a friendly animal, it can sometimes have aggressive tendencies. 

Due to its long body and short legs, it can be quite slow, making it a poor watchdog. But this breed is an excellent hunter, and it can hunt, and kill rabbits and badgers. Dachshunds are excellent pets and get along well with children. This dog is loyal, alert, and full of energy, making it a worthy family pet. 

Different Types of Dachshunds: Long Dachshunds, Wired Dachshunds, Standard Dachshunds, Miniature Dachshunds, and Wirehaired Dachshunds are the most popular ones. There are other breeds that look similar to dachshunds, but they have a much more rounded frame.

Their Characteristics and Personality

It’s understandable why dachshunds are one of the most popular dog breeds. They have a plush personality, are devoted, and are cute. But how exactly would you characterise a dachshund?

Dependable and Devoted.

Dachshund dogs are highly devoted and have a propensity to attach to only one person or one family, frequently adopting their characteristics and becoming fiercely protective. The long-haired type, which was developed to look for a badger’s den and then remain in that hole until the hunter could arrive and kill the badger, possesses this feature.


Dachshunds are known to be playful and energetic. They love to play fetch and roam around, but they can also be stubborn and independent. 

Personality Towards Children and other Dogs.

They are generally good with children and other animals, but they can be territorial. Dachshunds are also very intelligent dogs, so they need a lot of mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. 

These fellas are known for their independent and stubborn personalities. They are also affectionate and loyal dogs, which makes them excellent companions. While they are not the easiest dogs to train, their bubbly personalities are well worth the effort. If you are looking for an active, fun dog, the Dachshund is a great choice.

Grooming Needs: Do they shed a lot?

Regarding grooming, dachshunds are low-maintenance canines. They don’t shed much and don’t need to be bathed frequently. To prevent matting, they do need to be brushed frequently, and regular nail trimming is also necessary. They do shed rather frequently, so it’s vital to regularly brush and vacuum your home.

If you have a dachshund and you are looking for grooming tips, we have provided a few suggestions below:

How to Bathe a Dachshund?

First and foremost, you must give them a bath at least once a month. Use a shampoo designed for dogs with caution. Always look for a shampoo made especially for dogs, because some canines need a particular kind. Make sure there are no elements in the product that could hurt your dog by reading the ingredients as well.

Cleaning their ears.

Due to their delicate ears, dachshunds require special care. Use a cotton swab or even a Q-tip to clean the interior of the ear. And make sure you thoroughly rinse it. Some dogs require ear medicine from the veterinarian. If your dog falls into this category, he will require routine visits to the vet.

Visits to veterinarians

In order to ensure their health, you must also take them to the veterinarian at least once a year or occasionally.

Dachshund Hair Brushing Requirements

They require some care because they have two different coat types—smooth and long-haired. To prevent hair from getting on clothing and furniture, long-haired dachshunds should be periodically clipped or blow-dried, while smooth-coated dachshunds should be brushed frequently to avoid mats.

Additionally, we must take care of their teeth.

At least twice a week, use a pet-approved toothpaste to brush your dachshund’s teeth.

Trimming Nails

Trim the ends of your nails. Dachshunds’ nails, like those of all dogs, can grow overly long if they aren’t routinely cut. Your dog might feel uncomfortable as a result, which would make it challenging for them to walk correctly.

You can also find some grooming tips online, or there are also books on the subject. Explore the options and see what is best for your pet.

For general advise, take your dachshund to the vet at least once a year for a check-up.

What is the size of the Dachshund dog?

The Dachshund’s standard size is 10–16 pounds, but when fully grown, it may reach up to 22 pounds. This dog is born with skinny legs, but as it grows up, it becomes muscular and its legs become sturdier. The average height of this dog is 8-10 inches tall, but a fully grown dachshund grows to be only up to 11-13 inches tall.

It is believed that this dog is the smallest hound in the world. The ears of these dogs are large in size and are long and floppy. These dogs have a long tail that is usually curled over their backs.

What do they look like?

Dachshunds are small dogs with long, slender bodies and short legs. They have long, pointy noses and floppy ears. Dachshunds come in a variety of colors, including black, brown, tan, and red. They are often called “sausage dogs” because of their shape.

These Lovely fellas come in two varieties: short-haired and long-haired. The short-haired variety is the most popular. Because of their long body and short legs, this gives them a low center of gravity, which makes them excellent hunters. Dachshunds are loyal and loving companions. They are also intelligent and playful dogs.

They have been bred with relatively short legs in the United States to make them better adapted to hunting rabbits, but they still retain their natural characteristics in the United Kingdom. Due to their tiny hips and extremely wide back ends, short-legged dachshunds need assistance in order to successfully breed. The body is that of a stretched-out, much longer dog.

How to take care of a Dachshund dog?

It’s understandable why dachshunds are one of the most popular dog breeds. They have a lot of personality and are cute and lively. However, they are a breed that needs a lot of care and attention and is high maintenance. Here are some suggestions on how to care for Dachshunds, whether you’re considering obtaining one or currently own one.

Dachshunds need a lot of exercise, first and foremost. They have a lot of energy and endurance because they were developed for hunting. As a general guideline, take them on daily walks lasting at least 30 minutes. If you’re unable to do that, consider letting them run around in your backyard or taking them to a dog park.

Secondly, Dachshunds are prone to back problems because of their long backs and short legs. So it’s important to be careful when picking them up and putting them down.

Health concerns for this breed.

Despite being a generally healthy breed, dachshunds are nonetheless prone to some health issues like all dogs. Obesity, pancreatitis, and intervertebral disc degeneration are a few of the more common health issues for Dachshunds.

Disease of the Intervertebral Disc.

Intervertebral disc disease, which can cause back pain and paralysis, is among the more prevalent health issues dachshunds face. One of the leading causes of canine death is obesity, brought on by a lack of exercise.

The spine’s discs have a gel-like interior encased in a cartilage shell. The gel centre of the ruptured discs presses against the spinal cord or nerves, resulting in pain, reduced mobility, and even paralysis. Medication can be used to treat intervertebral disc disease, although surgery may occasionally be required to remove damaged discs. Medication can be given to manage the pain, and the dog can be helped to walk by wearing a harness.


Hypoglycaemia, a disease in which the body is unable to produce enough insulin, can be a risk factor for Dachshunds. A hazardous dip in blood sugar results from this. You should watch that your Dachshund does not overeat or consume fatty meals to prevent pancreatitis, a prevalent health issue in the breed.

Dachshunds can become overweight.

Another common health concern for dachshund owners is that they tend to get really out of shape and fat. Dachshunds are susceptible to becoming overweight, and their joints are affected by the extra weight, causing mild to severe arthritis. Make sure you feed your dachshund a proper diet and avoid exposing him to high temperatures. To avoid this, you should take the dog out for long walks and exercise.

Other health issues.

Dachshunds like their larger cousins, the Doberman Pinschers. Unfortunately, their lineage is plagued by many health problems, which are basically a result of inbreeding. These problems include eye problems, back problems, and spinal problems. Though these problems are genetic, they are not necessarily inevitable and can be avoided through a good training program. 

Training a Dachshund dog

We have created an in-depth and easy-to-follow guide to help you train your dachshund dog. Here are the basic tips on training a dachshund: 

Be patient, as this dog breed will take more time than many other breeds. 

Consistency with your training, consistent rewards and consistent commands will help any dog learn faster. 

Treats while Training your Dachshund

Treats are good training tools, but do not use them as your only form of reward. End on a positive note. Remember to give your dog plenty of praise and treats after they finish the task they were being trained to do.

A dachshund is a breed of dog that is born to be a hunter. They are small in size but have large personalities. These breeds are very intelligent, strong and very energetic. 

They can be trained to do many different tasks such as walking, running, sitting and lying on a specific location. They also respond well to commands and rewards if properly taught. Dachshunds are curious by nature, so it is essential to keep an eye on them when they are outside. They are loyal dogs and will be a wonderful companion for you. You can read our complete training guide here for more in depth training process.

Extreme Prey Drive.

Due to their exceptionally high prey drive, dachshunds need a lot of encouragement to behave well. Consistency in training techniques, rewarding good conduct consistently, and never caving in to negative behaviour are the best ways to train a Dachshund. For instance, instead of giving in if your dog jumps on you or other visitors, direct its attention to a toy or treat. Once taught, these dogs become devoted and versatile pets.

Dachshund dog Price

Dachshunds are one of the most popular dog breeds, and they are also one of the most expensive. The average price for a dachshund puppy is $1,500, and that’s just for a basic-level dog. If you want a quality gig or dachshund, you may have to pay more.

Where Can I Find a Dachshund dog Breeder?

There are many places where you can find a dachshund breeder. The first place to check is newspapers and dog magazines. Also, because this is a popular breed in many countries, your local pet store(s) may be able to recommend a breeder. Another way to find a dachshund is to search the internet. There are many dachshund breeders online. The forum for dachshund owners is also a great place to look. You can ask friends and family if they know anyone who owns this breed.

Newspapers or Magazines.

Local pet newspapers and magazines are extremely helpful in finding dog owners. Many of them provide breeder lists with detailed information about the dogs they intend to raise. You can contact these breeders and check their pages in the magazine. It will also help you find dachshund puppies near you. Local

Pet Stores.

If you want to bring home a dachshund puppy, be sure to visit your local pet store. A pet store is a great place to start your search for a dachshund breeder. You can find many different breeders in the pet store, and you can learn more about their experience and what they offer.

Search for Dachshund breeders on the internet.

Dachshund dog breeders are a dime a dozen on the internet, but how do you know which one is right for you? Do your research! Read reviews, compare prices, and ask questions. A good breeder will be able to answer all your questions and give you peace of mind. A not so good breeder will try to hide information or be evasive. After you find a few breeders you like, visit their websites and see if they have any dachshunds for sale. If they do, give them a call and schedule an appointment to see the puppy in person. It is the best way to get to know a breeder and decide if they are right for you.

Other Options.

Alternatively, you could try researching a rescue organisation that specialises in adopting dachshunds. When you find a breeder or rescue organization, make sure to do your research on their reputation. Accept only from reputable institutions. If a dachshund is right for you, there are thousands of breeders around the country.

Breeder’s Guarantee.

It must be ensured that the breeder can give birth to a healthy dog. Since you are looking for a dachshund puppy, the breeder must be able to provide you with a certificate of the dog’s health.

To Wrap Things Up!

A Dachshund dog is a small, short-legged breed of dog. The name “Dachshund” comes from the German word for badger, which is what these dogs were originally bred to hunt. Dachshunds are friendly and loving dogs, but they can also be stubborn and independent. They need plenty of exercise and training to stay happy and healthy. Although this dog’s lineage is plagued by many health problems, they can be avoided through a good training program. They make great companions and are relatively easy to take care of. If you are looking to get one, be ready to spend at least $1,500 for a Dachshund puppy. 

Thank you for reading, we are always excited when one of our posts is able to provide useful information on a topic like this!


The information, including measurements, prices and other estimates, on this post page is provided for general reference purposes only.

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